How to Use 12 Car Rally Timer

1: Rally and Checkpoint Setup

Start by tapping the settings icon and setting up your Rally Name, Rally Section and Control Number and Control Name details:

You can also select whether to display Section and Control numbers, Control Name or both. This selection applies on the main timer page, the report page and the report email subject. The Section and Control numbers and Control Name are all included in the actual report.

2: Rally Time Setup

If you need to, you can add an adjustment to the time to give you Rally Time. Just tap on the time display, or select Set Rally Time option from the menu on Android, to open the Rally Time Setup screen:

If Rally Time is different to the main clock time, this is indicated by a small R alongside the time display.

3: Record Car Arrival Times

When a car arrives, tap the corresponding Car button to record the time. The button will turn green to show the time has been captured, and the time will be displayed beneath the button. The time will also be added to the stopwatch log, and is shown in the stopwatch time display.

When you have recorded the time, rotating your phone to landscape mode will display the Car Number and Recorded Time for the last car, so you can display this to the competitors.

4: Adjust Car Arrival Times or Record Penalties and Non-Penalty Records

Tapping the Car button a second time brings up the Adjustment screen:

There are several different actions you can take with the Adjustment screen.

Update Car Time

When you tap the Car button for the second or any subsequent time, the time of the tap is captured, and pressing the Update Car Time button will update the recorded time to this new time.

Manual Time Adjust

Tapping the Manual Time Adjust Button brings up the Adjust Time screen. This allows the required time to be manually entered.

Reset Car Data

Tapping the Reset Car Data button provides the option to fully reset the car record, which will reset all recorded times including the Original and Previous times to 00:00:00, and clear all Penalty and Non-Penalty records.

Revert to Original

The Original Car time is the first recorded time for the car. Tapping the Revert to Original button changes the recorded time back to this original time.

This button is only displayed when Revert to Original is a relevant option, i.e. when the recorded time is not the original time.

Revert to Previous

When a change is made to the recorded time, the previously recorded time is captured. Tapping the Revert to Previous button changes the recorded time back to the previously recorded time.

This button is only displayed when Revert to Previous is a relevant option, i.e. when the previous time is not the original time nor the recorded time.

Assign Time to Car

If you have pressed the wrong Car button, or if two cars arrive at the same time, you can assign the time from the first car to the second one. Select the number of the car that you want to assign the time to, and tap the Assign Time to Car button. You will also be given the option of fully resetting the first car.

Note that this will assign the recorded time for the first car, as shown in the top right corner of the adjust screen. If you want to assign the second captured time, as shown alongside the Update Car Time button, tap the Cancel button and then use the Assign button to assign the time from the stopwatch log.


Selecting a Penalty from the list and tapping the Apply Penalty button will record the Penalty for that car. On the main screen, the Car button will change from green to red.

To reset any Penalty, open the adjust screen again by tapping on the Car button, select the relevant Penalty and then tap the Reset Penalty button. If there is an active Penalty, the relevant Penalty is displayed and the Reset Penalty Button is shown in red when the adjustment screen opens.

Non-Penalty Reports

Non-Penalty Reports provide a mechanism to give affirmative feedback on different incidents, such as correctly recording a Code-board, or completing a driving test without penalties.

Selecting a Non-Penalty Report from the list and tapping the Apply Non-Penalty Report button will record the Non-Penalty Report for that car. On the main screen, the Car button will change from green to blue, unless there is also a Penalty recorded in which case it will still be red.

To reset any Non-Penalty Report, open the adjust screen again by tapping on the Car button, select the relevant Non-Penalty Report and then tap the Reset Non-Penalty Report button. If there is an active Non-Penalty Report, the relevant Non-Penalty Report is displayed and the Reset Non-Penalty Report Button is shown in blue when the adjustment screen opens.


Tapping the Cancel button dismisses the screen without making any changes.

5: Record and Assign Car Arrival Times using the Stopwatch Log

You can capture the time using the stopwatch button, and then assign the captured time to a car. Up to 12 most recent times can be recorded in the stopwatch log, either by tapping a Car button or by tapping the Stopwatch button ⏱️. Tapping the Assign key brings up the Assign Time Screen:

Recorded times in the stopwatch log are shown in reverse order, number 1 being the most recent time. Select the time you want to assign and the car number to assign it to, and tap the Assign Time to Car button. This will have the same effect as tapping the Car button, or the Update Car Time Button on the adjustment screen if a time has previously been recorded for the car.

Tapping the Cancel button dismisses the screen without making any changes.

6: Resetting an individual Car

You can fully reset any car, either by tapping the Car button and then pressing and holding the Reset Car Time button, or by going to the Reset Car Data page either directly from the menu (for Android) or via the settings page by tapping the Settings icon , selecting Reset Car Data and then selecting the Car number and tapping the Reset Car Data button. In both cases you will be asked to confirm the Car data should be reset.

7: Reviewing the Report Data

When all cars have passed through, tap the report icon to review the data captured:

8: Sharing the Report

Tap the Share icon or on the report page or from the menu (on Android) to send a report via email or other available messaging service:

9: Preparing for the next Marshalling Checkpoint

Make sure you have sent the report for the previous checkpoint. On the settings page, set your Rally Section and Checkpoint numbers for the next marshalling checkpoint, and then go to the Reset Car Data page either directly from the menu (for Android) or by selecting Reset Car Data and then tapping the Reset All Car Data button. You will be asked to confirm the Car data should be reset.

You are now ready for the next Marshalling Checkpoint.

Note: Screens may vary from those shown above depending on version, device and operating system.